JMM Workshop "Sabbath Rest"
7월 30일 (토)
|Room 3.3 (Level 3)
The church, in understanding the importance of Sabbath through this workshop, will hopefully be able to provide the support so sorely needed by the missionaries when they return. What then is the role of the body of believers, His church?

Time & Location
2022년 7월 30일 오후 2:00 – 오후 3:30
Room 3.3 (Level 3), 4 How Sun Dr, Singapore 538526
About the Event
Many do not realise that missionaries are tired creatures when they finally return home from their time of service in the field. Many expect them to continue with sharing at meetings or even meeting up to catch up without realising the missionaries’ need for rest. For the missionary, taking a break from their work is a recognition of a need to submit to Him and enjoy His presence which can often be crowded by the cares and demands this world has placed upon them.
The church, in understanding the importance of Sabbath through this workshop, will hopefully be able to provide the support so sorely needed by the missionaries when they return.
What then is the role of the body of believers, His church?