The Dr Andrew Ng Global Missions Fund was born of a compelling vision to carry on the legacy of the late Dr Andrew Ng, who together with his wife, Belinda, gave themselves to the Lord’s work in Africa. They were the first Singaporean missionaries to that vast continent in the late 1970s, and Andrew, who gave up a lucrative career as a surgeon in Singapore, served at Galmi Hospital in Niger. Many people in the sub-Saharan region were greatly blessed through Andrew’s surgical skills as well as through the couple’s ministry. After a 12-year stint, the Ngs were called back to Singapore where they continued to be actively engaged in global missions through SIM East Asia. Andrew went home to the Lord on 7 January 2019 and the huge turnout and moving eulogies at his wake are testament to a life lived for God and others.
The Fund's Objectives
Andrew was always seeking the Lord and responsive to exploring new frontiers that have yet to be touched by the good news of Christ’s redemptive sacrifice. The Dr Andrew Ng Global Missions Fund will keep his vision alive by providing financial support for projects that will facilitate the preaching of the Gospel to communities where He is least known, amongst those who live and die without Him. The time to act has never been more urgent.
The plan is to raise S$5 million for the work of SIM, an international mission organisation with more than 2,000 active missionaries serving in over 70 countries. The money will go primarily towards:
Church planting and community development projects, especially in pioneering areas
Training and developing missionaries and their local co-workers
Missional businesses to support missionaries ·
Technology and tools for missionaries to be more effective in outreach
Bartley Christian Church, where Andrew was a founding member, and SIM, where he served as a missionary for more than four decades, have each donated $250,000 to kick start the Fund.
Andrew lived his life according to the 3P - Pray, Preach and Participate. He prayed fervently, preached powerfully with his life by modeling Christ’s character of humility, love and compassion, and participated passionately in the Lord’s glorious mission.
The Dr Andrew Ng Global Missions Fund is managed by a Board comprising representatives from Bartley Christian Church and SIM, and Christians with financial and investment experience.
The first Singaporean to become a missionary with SIM, Dr Andrew Ng and his wife Belinda served for over 40 years in Africa and Asia. Trained as a surgeon, Dr Andrew Ng answered God’s call (Matt 28:19) and gave up a promising career to serve in Niger, Africa. His patients and friends at Galmi always remained close to his heart, as he regularly returned to Niger for many years after his term of service ended. His zeal for mission and his desire to reach the least reached led him to pioneer many ministries in Asia (Matt 24:14). He constantly challenged those he met to pray and respond to the need for more labourers in the harvest field (Matt 9:38).

Dr Andrew Ng Global Missions Fund 2021 update was presented on the 25th July 2021 by
Dr Stanley Ling, who is the formal Regional Director of SIM East Asia.

Not Forsaken: Dr Andrew and Belinda Ng's Faith Journey to Africa and Beyond
"Two different individuals. Two separate occasions. One similar calling leading to one shared vision.... Not Forsaken is the story of two faithful servants whose ordinary lives turned extraordinary because they trusted and obeyed God to go where many would consider to be a godforsaken land. But in God's heart, no land is ever forsaken."
The launch of the DANGMF was accompanied by the release of this biography, chronicling the Ngs' footsteps from start to now. At $20 per copy, all proceeds for the biography go towards the DANGMF.

Board Members
Timothy Teo
Heng Wee Meng
Heng Ee Lean
David Yap
Tan Teng Guan
Audit and Risk
Alick Loke
Investment and Business
Stanley Ling
Catherine Ong
Publicity Sub-Committee
David Yap
Timothy Teo
Catherine Ong
Lye Sue Kheong
Wong Foo Mun
Fund Ambassadors
William Lee
Steven Teo
Dr Lee Hin Peng Philip
Marcus Chua
Michael Tan
Joaquim Siu
Jeffrey Budimulia
Nicholas Eng
Rev Dr Caleb Chian
Rev Dr Vijendra Daniel
Lewis Hsu

Bartley Christian Church
4 How Sun Drive
Singapore 538526
SIM East Asia
116 Lavender Street, #04-09
Pek Chuan Building
Singapore 338730